How Are Things?

john staves

Hope you and your family, friends and colleagues are safe and well

Since my last update at the end of March we are up and running, although I don’t think things will be the same for a long time, if ever.

90% Back to “Normal”

I wouldn’t say things are running at 100% but we are able to carry out about 90% of our normal activity

Previously, the guidance was very restrictive, but now we are able to go into peoples houses following the latest guidance published by the Government Working Safely In Other Peoples Homes

We are minimising risk both for our employees catching COVID-19 and also minimising the risk of passing it onto our customers.

All team members are working remotely, having finally got to grips with Microsoft Teams and remote scheduling!

Social Aspect

I’ve missed the social aspect of having everyone in the office talking about football and the general office banter!

From a technical point of view it’s much more isolating.. you’d normally wander over with your sketch pad and ask another engineer .. “I’m thinking of doing this, what do you think?” you can’t do that anymore

It’s much harder to do that over an email or a call – it has to be much more formalised. It’s during these informal chats that the good ideas normally come

Busier Than Ever

On a positive note, we are busier than ever, as people are starting to realise this is the new normal and projects are coming off hold.


As a business we are following government guidelines and adopting a balanced approach between our team working remotely, coming into the office and carrying out site surveys.

What Does This Mean For You, Our Customer?

Nothing changes.

We are still committed to your projects and following strict COVID guidelines when we visit site.

If you have any questions at all before our engineers come to site, please contact us on 0118 962 9666 or

How has lock down been for you? What do you miss about the office?