Extending your home is probably something that you’ll only do once in your lifetime. Ultimately, you want to make sure that you can build the size of extension that you want, within your budget. Being aware of potential pitfalls and additional costs at the beginning of the process will help you make informed decisions. I’ve […]
December 2019 marks a milestone for Michael Aubrey Partnership as we celebrate 25 years of delivering innovative design solutions to our Customers. “Over the years our business has evolved into three distinct streams. Structural Engineering within commercial projects; full range of services for Clients, and Contractors working with other professionals as members of the team […]
Balcony Repair, Case Study We have recently been working with a local property management company to oversee the balcony repair (design, demolition and build) of twenty two balconies in Berkshire. The development was constructed in 2004/2006. It consists of two and three storey blocks of flats of traditional construction. The balconies are typically 1.3m deep […]
I Do More Than Design Beams! In July’s edition of Construction and Civil Engineering Magazine, catch up with our very own Managing Director, John Staves talking about what is a Structural Engineer and why are they so undervalued? Structural Engineers help create record-breaking structures, beautiful structures, useful structures and sometimes just cool structures – anything […]
Balcony Assessment | Investigation | Drawings & Structural Calculations | Build Do you own, or manage a property with balconies? When was the last time your property had a Structural Assessment? Please contact us today to speak to one of our Chartered Structural Engineers for expert advice. We can; Carry out an initial structural assessment […]
UK Structural Engineers Declare Climate & Biodiversity Emergency We have just signed up to this – it’s sensible approach to doing what we can as Structural Engineers to save the planet. We are acknowledging the seriousness of our situation and making a public commitment to positive change. Global Petition It’s a global petition uniting all […]
Planning a House Extension? Catch up with this article by our very own Managing Director, John Staves in the Autumn Edition of “Your Build” Magazine. Extension Essentials If you’re planning to extend your home, there are a few essential steps to keep in mind. John M Staves, Fellow and Vice President at the Institution of […]
Buying A House One of my guilty pleasures is watching Channel 4’s Location, Location, Location. We all have this idea in our head of our “ideal” home. So when we are looking at buying a house we are mentally running through this checklist in our heads. What Happens When You’ve Found Your “Nearly” Ideal House? […]
On 18 September 2019 our Managing Director, John Staves is heading to the Battlefields of France cycling 326 miles in 4 days helping to raise money in aid of Action Medical Research. The team will be riding through the leafy lanes of southeast England before crossing the Channel and riding through northern France, tracing some […]
Today I’m talking to Andrew Wiggett, one of our latest Structural Engineers to pass his Chartered exams. Why Did You Choose To Study Structural Engineering? When I was a school I didn’t really know what I wanted to do. I chose the A levels that were interesting and “do-able” – Maths, further maths and physics […]
Extension Planning? Catch up with this article by our very own Managing Director, John Staves in the Refurbishment and Renovation News. Extension Planning Property extensions are one of the most common structural improvements undertaken by homeowners, increasing floor space and adding value. To put it into perspective, in 2018, insurer Hiscox identified a significant increase […]
Why Did You Choose To Go Into Engineering? When I left school, wasn’t sure what I wanted to do, so I did a one year course in public services to improve my English. Then I wanted to do something more practical, so I completed a two year BTEC in Manufacturing Engineering, obtaining three Distinctions. It […]